Remember when while taking a shower at the hostel after a long, long day flying and walking around Rome, when I was covered in suds from soap and conditioner in my hair, the water stopped working :) Im having a blast already!!!
I flew out of Salt Lake airport in the afternoon on Friday the 20th, and flew from SLC to Paris. My seat partners were great, a young couple from Salt Lake that spoke a little in the beginning, but didnt bother me much for the 10 hour flight, which was nice. It was SO painful to fly into Paris and not stay, one of my life goals is to spend time in Paris touring art museums. After an incredibly long wait till the next flight (okay, only 3 hours, but it was only supposed to be 2) I was off to Rome, Italy!
That was an interesting flight because I sat next to a cute 26 yr old girl from Argentina. She only spoke Spanish, so I had to go way back to my Spanish speaking days. I kept thinking in Russian, and would accidentally throw a Russian word in. It was funny! At one point when I was talking about why I spoke Russian, and my religion, she thought I was saying I was being God while on a mission. Oops... sure hope I cleared that up :)
I arrived in Rome, with no idea where to go, what a situation! I planned to meet my friend Ashlee at a statue in Rome near a metro, but I had no idea how to get there. Luckily, and with Gods help and planning, I met people along the way. While buying a train ticket to get me from the airport to the metro (14 Euros!!!) That is highway robbery, anyway I met a mother and daughter visiting from France who were headed to the same Line A. We chatted and I didnt feel so alone. When I left the Argentine and the French girl I got their emails and facebook names. I will have connections all across the world! When I visit France someday I will have to stay with them.
I caught the train, the metro and met Ashlee and the correct statue! We then did what I have been waiting years to do.... eat Italian pizza and pasta and oh was it fab! The menu said the pizza had mushrooms, olives, pepperoni, ham and an egg. An egg? I like trying new things, so we got it and sure enough, there was a quarter of boiled egg sitting on top. Not spread throughout like the mushrooms, but just sitting there waiting to be eaten by myself!
We needed to head back to out hostel, but unfortunately the tram was closed, so we figured out another way home, a couple bus switches, went in a circle once, had gypsies ask for my ticket, nice nice bus drivers, found an American girl to help us find our hostel and now, this leads me to how I began.
After flying all day and not sleeping for a long long time, I was ready for a shower. The water wasnt working, so we went to another shower station and still no water. No problem, after all... I am in ROME!! Finally the water started, then stopped when I was not ready for it to stop :)
One of the funniest moments was in the shower music was playing, and it was old school 80s music, but terrible 80s music! Then during the commercial break the broadcaster announced their stations logo "The Best Music Around" It was pretty ironic and funny ;)