Well, here I am, off on another adventure! I love traveling, I love seeing new cultures and new places, but alas... I love Ukraine! So, due to that fact, and indeed, it is a fact that I love Ukraine, I'm taking off tomorrow, Monday 3 October! I will be traveling around to a few cities, and also will have the fine privilege to go to the Kiev, Ukraine temple!! I remember having special fasts and prayers on my mission, for them the church to have permission, and the it be the right time to start building.
I think I will check in here every so often, to this lovely little blog of mine, to share my thoughts, insights, and experiences. Please stay tuned...
P.S. General Conference was wonderful this weekend. I'm so excited for life, it's a grand thing!!
have a safe and enjoyable trip. keep us all posted on your adventures! love you darling niecce.